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Cocktail of fresh melon with a sorbet of rosé Pineau

Recipe from Flavours of Cognac, Les Editions du Laquet

Cocktail of fresh melon with a sorbet of rosé Pineau


2 Charentais melons
125g redcurrant

For the sorbet

125g caster sugar
1/4 litre water
6 leaves of mint
35 cl rosé Pineau
25 cl grape juice
Juice of one orange
Juice on one lemon


Prepare the Pineau sorbet 24 hours before serving
Add the water, sugar and mint to a small saucepan and heat until the syrup begins to thicken.
Pour into a large bowl and leave to cool.

Once cool remove the mint leaves and add the Pineau, grape, orange and lemon juices. Stir well and pour into an ice tray and place in the freezer. The following day remove from the freezer and grate to form flakes.

Cut the melons in half, remove seeds and create melon balls from the flesh. Spread out in shallow bowls, sprinkle with redcurrant and top with a large spoonful of the grated sorbet.

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Cocktail of fresh melon with a sorbet of rosé Pineau

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